Aptos methods for the correction of asymmetry caused by the damage of a facial nerve
In addition to the correction of age-related changes, the company Aptos offers restoration of facial symmetry, caused by damage of a facial nerve, to the patients throughout the world without any charge!
Damage of a facial nerve can be caused as by the diseases and traumas as well as by various surgical invasions (neurosurgical, maxillofacial or plastic surgeries), which cause weakness of facial muscles or their full paralysis and face asymmetry.
Lifting techniques of Aptos threads allow to lift and fix a flabby skin. The result of the method is immediately visible and often more stable, than for patients in cases of correction of age-related changes, because on the damaged side of face, mimic activity is reduced or fully ceased.
With the help of Aptos methods, for more than 10 years, doctors can help patients with face asymmetry caused by the damage of facial nerve to improve their quality of life without any charge.
To be included into the schedule of free procedures, it is necessary:
The procedure requires only several injections in the facial area and a local anesthesia. The duration of the procedure is around 30-40 minutes. Rehabilitation period – 10-14 days.
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